Thursday, March 9, 2017

Log Your Firearms!

It's time for...


Do you have a log of all the serial numbers for your firearms? What would you do if you looked in your gun safe one day only to find that your guns have been stolen? What information would you give the police to help them find your stolen property? These are the things you need to think about!

My advice to every gun owner is to make an excel document (Google Drive works well) and record the serial numbers for each and every gun you own. Have a short description of the firearm, including color, accessories, and maybe even a picture. The more details you provide, the better! 

I use Google Drive as a backup just in case something happens to my computer hard drive. Plus, this allows me to access my list anywhere from my mobile phone. Some feel like uploading their information to a cloud-based server is vulnerable to hackers. So if you feel this way, then write all of your information down on a piece of paper and put it in a safe deposit box. There are literally hundreds of ways you can safely store this information. If you have excellent documentation of your firearms, the chances of them being found and returned is increased drastically. Hopefully you never have to deal with this, but it never hurts to be prepared.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

"Nobody Needs an 'Assault Rifle' for Hunting"

It's a quote used by anti-gunners and extremest animal-rights activists for years. All it does is prove that when it comes to Modular Sporting Rifles (MSRs), they know absolutely nothing. When people say, "Nobody needs an 'assault rifle' for hunting," they're envisioning an overall-clad redneck, rapid-firing 30 rounds as fast as possible into a helpless creature. This couldn't be further from the truth.

As a side note: most states have a 3-round limit when hunting deer - and since a vast majority of gun owners in the U.S. are law-abiding citizens, we comply with this law.

Not only are modern sporting rifles used to hunt deer in all areas of the country, but here's a list of all the other animals you can hunt with them:
  • Wild boar
  • Coyote
  • Jackrabbit/Hare
  • Coypu/Nutria
  • Feral goats (yes these are real)
  • Fox
  • Raccoon
  • Tyrannical governments
  • Squirrel 
  • Any other rodent or small game that didn't make the list
*People who own a large amount of land for farming need to keep their fields clear from pests and other creatures that could negatively affect their crops or livestock. There is no better weapon for this problem than a .223 caliber AR-15. Creatures such as wild hogs could easily ruin entire crops and cost farmers thousands of dollars in profit if they are not disposed of.*

And this is just assuming that you are talking about the traditional AR-15 that fires the 5.56//223 round. Modular sporting rifles come in MANY different calibers - and they look equally "dangerous."
For example, if your MSR fires .308 rounds, this list of things you can hunt will grow exponentially.

Do I NEED an AR-15 for hunting, no. But is it the best tool for the job? Possibly. But saying that "nobody needs an assault rifle for hunting" is as stupid as saying "nobody needs a sports car because we have speed limits." It's an argument that holds no weight whatsoever.