Thursday, January 12, 2017

My Shooting Range is Still Closed!

Behold, my beloved shooting range. This is my place of peace in a crazy world. This is where I can come and all my stress and worries melt away with every pull of the trigger. This is where I learned to shoot, and it's where I have introduced many to the world of firearms. My perfect Saturday begins with an early trip to the range, alone or with friends. And damn, I miss it. 

As you may have heard in national news a few months ago, there was a very large gas spill (and later a gas explosion) in the state of Alabama. Well guess what? All of this happened less than a mile away from my local shooting range. While I can't determine if the range itself was directly affected by the spill or blast, it remains closed until further notice. What gets me the most was that it had JUST closed for renovations before the gas incident. 

It's been closed for about 3 months and I don't have any knowledge on when it may reopen - if ever. This is the reason for my lack of gun review posts lately. I have things I want to shoot! Even got a long box under my Christmas tree this year! But unfortunately, until this opens back up, I'll just have to wait. 

In the meantime, stay tuned for news about gun politics, opinions, and new releases. Shot Show is right around the corner and new products are starting to emerge. I'll try to stay up-to-date as best I can on all of this. 

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