Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The ASJWs and the Trending Violence Problem

*Before I get to my main topic for today, I have to apologize. I intend to have another gun review before too long, however my local gun range has been closed for renovations. Please bear with me.

As I listen to the news during my morning commute, I hear of another shooting that occurred at a shopping center in Houston. This is the second shooting that's gained mass media attention in the span of 3 days - the first incident was at a mall in Washington state over the weekend.

Most of America will jump to the conclusions that these killers are mentally unstable and should have been banned from having "weapons that can kill so efficiently," and they will push the gun control agenda. But here's the thing that everyone overlooks:


Surprising I know, but most of these crimes, including street violence, occurs with weapons that were obtained illegally. That being said, those in favor of gun control will say things like, "Well if law-abiding citizens didn't have guns, they can't be stolen by criminals and then used in crimes." To that I say:


This bugs me because many people that are pushing for gun control fail to see this very simple concept. I know they're tired of hearing it, but you can't stop insane people from doing insane things. I hope we eventually get to the point in our lives where we can predict and identify mentally incompetent individuals before they can act, but until then, no amount of federal background checks will change anything. Banning certain types of guns won't change anything, firearm registration won't change anything, and until the terrorist watch list has due process, it won't change anything either (even with due process it may not). The shooter in Orlando had every background check imaginable, and that didn't stop him.

You'll hear liberals say things like "this is an everyday occurrence in the U.S. We need to look at Great Britain and Australia as an example for gun control." Here are my replies:
  • No, it's not an "everyday occurrence" - thank goodness. As a matter of fact, gun violence is the lowest it's been in 20 years, according to the FBI.
  • The media (most of which is liberal) are covering more shootings to push an agenda - there's no such thing as non-biased journalism today. Violent crimes can happen frequently, but you only hear of the crimes they want you to hear (more on this later).
  • Great Britain and Australia have a higher violent crime rate than the U.S. according to the FBI. 
So why are these mall shootings happening? Here's my honest and brutal opinion: It is becoming a trend. Every time the media attempts to push their gun control agenda, they are glorifying every shooting that occurs. The shooter's name goes down in history, even if it was for a heinous act. Some of these shooters have pledged allegiance to terrorist organizations like ISIS/ISIL, but terrorism is a topic for a different post. How do we end these so-called mass shootings? Stop glorifying the shooter. Don't say his/her name and don't tell the race of the shooter. Why does the shooter's name/race/religion matter? IT DOESN'T.

____________________Beginning Media Rant____________________

What bothers me more than ANY of this, is the violence that does occur every single day in the U.S. that doesn't get attention. The only stories that media covers are the ones that could cause riots in the streets - because that's what sells. They don't care about the insane gang-related inner-city violence numbers. They only care about violence if it could be linked to racism....and then the Armchair Social Justice Warriors (ASJWs) come out on social media for the sole purpose to make themselves look superior. 
                       *The league of ASJW's job is to sit behind their computer with their 
                         haughty attitude and share unchecked, false information while spouting off 
                         their opinions just so they can feel high and mighty. It's a very 
                         egocentric group of individuals.

But you better believe the ASJW's opinions will be the popular opinion - regardless of actual facts. They're the kind of people that didn't originally care about a topic, but then immediately switch and care too much when the opportunity arises.

____________________Rant Over____________________

I'm getting too worked-up about that. Now back to guns. The point I'm trying to make with this is that the ASJWs will not do the actual research on gun violence in the U.S. before claiming "We have a gun problem!" and posting false statistics. They won't look up the inner-city violence numbers and how many of these criminals should not even be on the street because of currently existing gun laws. They don't care about same race violence. They are only looking for a topic that they can cause unrest.

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