Monday, January 16, 2017

Shot Show 2017

It's that time again! Shot Show 2017 is this week and gun manufacturers are already giving us some sneak peaks of their new products.I'm excited and I know that every other gun enthusiast is as well. Unlike last year, I will keep my word and provide daily reports on everything that goes on during the show (or as much as I can). I've got several trustworthy news sources ready to go and I'll be relaying content directly to this blog page.

There's no way I'll be able to cover EVERYTHING announced at Shot Show, I'll do my best to bring you the biggest announcements from the event. New gun releases will be my primary focus, with ammo and accessories coming second. If I don't report on something you think is important, please let me know in the comments of the post. I'll do my best to do some research and for you. I'll most likely make one post daily and continue to lengthen it with material as needed. I'll start a second post for Day 2 and so on...

I'm looking forward to the show!

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