Thursday, January 2, 2020

820-Pound Hog Killed in Alabama

My New Year's Resolution is to bring this page back up to it's former glory. I've got lots of projects in the oven, and with firearm politics being...well...heated, I had to take a step back and analyze everything that's going on. In a day where the news cycle lasting all of about 10 minutes, it's difficult to stay focused on what people want to read. This will give me a chance to get a few more firearm reviews out. This has been an excellent year for yours truly, as I have had the opportunity to shoot many different firearms in 2019 and I hope to hit the range even more in 2020.

But for the time being, I want to focus on this article that keeps circulating in my neck of the woods...
820-Pound Hog Killed in Alabama. Reach entire article HERE
Look at this absolute UNIT! This 820-pound feral hog was killed in Samson, AL when Wade Seago's found it in his front yard. His pet schnauzer alerted him to this beat's presence and Seago killed it with 3 shots from a .38 caliber revolver from 12 yards away. 

Now, since this is a gun blog, I'd like to focus on the gun that was used. The article isn't specific on the model of the gun, but I can safely say that this man has nerves of steel using a .38 Special to kill this hog. I've personally seen smaller hogs shake off a lot larger than a .38, but this guy was confident enough in his tools and abilities and was able to take down one of the largest wild hogs in state history. 

Let me know, would you feel confident in using a .38 to take down this monster?

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