Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Open-Carry Smartasses

I am pro open-carry. That being said, I believe that you should open carry because you have a reason to, not just because you desire attention. Let me explain...

I hear incidents all over the news about these open carry groups causing a fuss because a group of 12 people got together and decided to go to a farmer's market with M4s and AKs strapped to their backs. While what they are doing is perfectly legal (unless they have a felony charge), their only reason for doing this is to get a reaction from the people around them. Of course police are called. Many people don't know that you CAN walk around with rifles strapped to you. Once the they arrive, the police do exactly what they're supposed to - ask questions. Rarely are the police in these situations excessively forceful or angry. But once the officers are within talking distance of the carriers, then the organization's real purpose of open carrying begins to show.

They will stand there with a video camera and question the police officer's every word.

"Why do you need to see my ID?"
"Are you detaining me?"
"What felony have I committed?"
"Do you suspect me of being a felon?"
"Are you aware of this law?"
"What trouble am I causing?"

The list goes on and on...

THESE people, are the open-carry smartasses. Don't you dare try to test their political knowledge on the subject of open carry, because they can recite the laws and paragraph numbers in their sleep. They are born to troll the police.

It upsets me when I hear good comments about these people. These people aren't "protecting themselves" or their rights by recording these actions. They know damn well that they are likely to be stopped and only want to make some unfortunate police officer look like a fool on YouTube. Yes - I agree that more police officers should be informed of the open carry laws in their state, but that's no reason to cause public hysteria by walking down a neighborhood street dressed in black with tactical gear and an AK-47.

On the other hand, I do believe in open carry if you know are entering a dangerous environment. Whether it's a bad neighborhood or a dense forest, having easy access to protection is important. Open carrying also comes with the need for responsibility. Not only should you know the Ten Commandments of Gun Safety, you should live them every day. When open carrying, you should dress and act like the responsible gun owner you are and be aware of where you go. You can't just walk in to a school or bank with an open firearm and expect people to go about their normal business. That's absurd.

Do me a favor, if you see or hear someone talking about open carrying their AR-15 around the town "just because they can," maybe ask them if they have a good reason. If not, smack them on the back of the head, call them an asshole, and tell them to do something productive with their time.

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