Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sig Sauer P238

I wish .380 ACP ammo was less expensive. The only thing I wanted to do after shooting a box through the P238 was to open up another and keep firing. This accurate little gun has got to be one of the most comfortable subcompact pistols I've ever shot. The single-action trigger is crisp and relatively light. I didn't have the extended 7-round magazine (with pinky extension) but the pistol was still very easy to control. After about 20 rounds, I even forgot that my little finger was hanging off the bottom of the gun. Just like with any new firearm, there was a suggested break-in period of a few magazines, but even during the break-in, it functioned perfectly and had no issues. The reviews on the P238 are stellar, but one cannot truly appreciate how comfortable it is until you shoot it for yourself.

Some people might be asking, 
 "Hey - why didn't you get the P938 and have the extra power of a 9mm and you could keep the sub-     compact size."

Well, I could've done that. But after reading hundreds of reviews and EVERYONE raving about how comfortable the .380 was, I just couldn't turn it down. It seems that this gun was built around the .380 ACP cartridge, just like the 1911 was built around the .45 ACP, so getting this Sig in 9mm would just be...wrong. Although I would enjoy the 9mm ammo pricing. Another added bonus of the .380 is the very light recoil spring. The slide operation is so light that anyone could rack it with ease.

Also, anyone saying that the .380 is not a good self-defense round can go jump off a cliff. Modern self-defense ammo in .380 has come a long way since it's introduction, especially in the last few years. Just a simple Google search for .380 ballistics testing will show that it can easily stop a threat when called upon. Now, is it as good as a .45 ACP for self-defense? Of course not, but the .380 allows me to be comfortable and confident when shooting, and that is more important to me than single-bullet stopping power. Especially since I'll be doing way more range shooting than protective shooting.

Back to the P238. It's got spectacular sights for a gun so small. Usually a tiny pocket pistol like this has microscopic sights, but not the Sig. The P238 has 3-dot tritium night sights which are extremely visible in low-light situations. The Nitron grips that came on my model gun are good but I'll probably be replacing them with a textured rosewood before too long. It does have a manual safety (like most 1911s) that can lock the slide, if it's not already been cocked, and disconnects the trigger. 

I'm going to have a hard time finding something that I dislike about the Sig. Like with any of my personal guns, I'll edit this post if any issues arise, but I'm sure I'll have many good years of service with the P238. It's certainly a welcome addition to my firearm family.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Review of Sig Sauer P238...Coming Soon

For the past year or so, I had been looking for a great concealable pistol. I wanted something that could easily fit in a pocket holster and/or not be uncomfortable to carry on a day-to-day basis. While I love the 9mm round, I wanted something that was as compact as could be, while still being comfortable to shoot. I had my heart set on the Walther PPK/S. With its timeless look and legendary reliability, I felt like it was the natural next step. It was also important that I could hold the gun comfortably with my little finger hanging off the bottom frame (which is almost an inevitability with a pistol this size). Well, I found myself wandering into a gun store like I frequently do, and this little guy caught my eye.

This is the Sig Sauer P238. It's a subcompact, single action, all metal pistol chambered for 380 ACP. I picked it up at the counter and was immediately impressed by its weight and how easy it was to rack the slide. I was also very impressed with the 3-dot tritium night sights that come standard. This particular model has what Sig calls a Nitron finish which helps prevent scratches. And one of the best things about it is that it's based on the 1911 platform - this means it has an external safety which allows it to be carried "cocked and locked." After several months of consideration, the Sig eventually took over as my number one option over the Walther. *It's worth mentioning that the Walther is incredibly hard to find due to the manufacturing changing hands this year.

As you can probably tell from the pictures, this will soon be my new concealed carry gun. I'll eventually be taking this out to the range and giving it a very thorough review. Normally, I would've taken this gun shooting immediately after I purchased it, but our local range is undergoing renovations for the next month. 

*Sigh* The review will have to come later.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

She can't ban guns, can she?

I know that many of you don't care about politics. Honestly, I didn't used to. I felt like my opinion in politics fell on deaf ears, so why should I even bother? What's the point of voting in the state of Alabama when I already know it'll always be a red state? Because this year, there's someone who is running for office that will absolutely use every chance she gets to destroy the gun culture in America.

What is the "current gun culture" in the United States? It's getting up in the early hours of the morning in frigid temperatures to go hunting to put food on the table. It's taking a bunch of friends out to the range and enjoying a day of shooting sports. It's having long discussions over drinks about what caliber is best. It's what will keep you safe when everything else goes wrong. What makes the gun culture in America different from other countries? It's that it's guaranteed.

Or at least it should be. Most people in the U.S. agree that the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right of an individual to keep bear arms. This was verified in 2008 by the Supreme Court decision, District of Columbia vs Heller. However, Hillary Clinton disagrees with this. She has openly said "the Supreme Court got it WRONG on the Second Amendment." Why would she say that? Maybe she knows better than any of the Supreme Court Justices (sarcasm). She interprets the Second Amendment to apply only to the armed services (or "militia") and doesn't apply to the average citizen, even though the words say, "right of the people" and "shall not be infringed." So when a person says to me "Look, she said she's not 'coming for your guns'," I'm calling BS. Hillary has said multiple times that we need to "look to the Great Britain or Australia model" as an example for what we should have here in the United States. Have you looked at what happened in Australia? Gun ban and confiscation.
"Well she can't do that without going through the Congress." Haven't you heard of an Executive Order? President Obama has been abusing this power for the last year after he's been unable to do much about gun control during his term.

Now, I don't believe she'll just come in and confiscate weapons. Here in the U.S. (especially the south) that's a good way to start an uprising. But she'll find different ways around this. First thing is that she'll appoint her Justices to the Supreme Court and get the Heller decision reversed - so now the Second Amendment will only apply to the militia. What does this mean? This means citizens can keep and bear arms only as long as she says it's okay. That won't last long.

With the courts on her side, she'll then decide that gun manufacturers can be held liable for the actions of a killer. Once that decision is made, ALL of the gun companies in the United States will go out of business or move out of the country - which of course will prompt strict importation laws against guns and gun related products. No company would insure a gun manufacturer in the U.S. Scared yet? It gets better.

Re-instatement of the old Clinton Gun Ban from the 90's, except this time there will be no "work arounds" and no sunset clause. Semi-automatic weapons like the AR-15 will become illegal to own overnight (already happened in places like California and Massachusetts) and possibly even semi-automatic rifles in general because "you don't need a semi-automatic rifle to hunt deer." Magazines with over 10 rounds will also be banned - and magazine confiscation has already begun in California. But wait! There's more!

As the violent crime rate inevitably increases (Great Britain model), the Democrats will say "well it must be due to all of those semi-auto handguns because they kill faster." ......and I think you get the picture. It won't take long at all for someone like Hillary to change the gun culture in America. It certainly won't be for the better.

So now I bet you're wondering, "What can I do to change this?"
Unfortunately, there's very little only one person can do about this. The best thing you can do is inform your friends. Correct those who are uneducated about guns and make sure they know the facts. Educate anyone who wants to preserve their right to keep and bear arms and get them to vote in November. Yes - one vote doesn't do much, but what if everyone thought that way? What about 50 votes? 1,000 votes? You need to get to the polls and bring your friends. You don't like the choices on the ballot this year? Too bad. Unfortunately, Mr./Mrs. Perfect isn't running this year. If you're a one-issue voter and that issue is on guns, there's only one real choice.