Monday, May 6, 2019

MSNBC Reporter's Pro-2A Remark

I never thought I'd see the day when an MSNBC reporter actually gives a pro-Second Amendment message on cable TV. But here it is!

" Venezuela, gun ownership is not something that is open to everybody. So if the military have the guns, they have the power. and as long as Nicolás Maduro controls the military, he controls the country..."
-Kerry Sanders, MSNBC

What Kerry Sanders says here is, of course, absolutely correct. In Venezuela, not only are we seeing system of socialism fail once again, we're also able to see what it's like when a government is given too much power over it's citizens. This is what happens when the government holds its citizens on a leash. The 2nd Amendment hands that leash over to the people - ensuring that a tyrannical government never gains the upper hand in the United States.

It upsets me when "intellectual" politicians fail to see the obvious parallels between Venezuela and their own policies that they push. I pray that the average American citizen takes a long hard look at what is happening in South America and votes against it. 

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