Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Silverbullet's Gun Talk Official Logo

I'm excited to unveil the official logo of Silverbullet's Gun Talk! This is, of course, subject to change as the site continues to grow and I come up with something more creative. Looking forward, I still want to move Silverbullet's Gun Talk to a new host, but I've yet to find anything that meets the criteria I would want for long-term use. If I decide to change hosting sites, don't worry! I'll keep my Blogger account open and will have a post with a direct link to my new site when the move happens. Good things to come!

P.S. - Yes, I know that my new logo doesn't fit correctly in the bio section of the page. Not much I can do about at this time. I will eventually make a square logo, but one step at a time.

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