Tuesday, March 3, 2015

To Hoard or Not To Hoard

The title says it all. Gun owners are just like the people that go out and buy milk and bread right before they’re snowed in. It’s never a bad idea to be prepared in case things take a turn for the worse, but it is possible that we go a little overboard. As we all know, we currently have a president that doesn’t like guns. He has taken it upon himself to drastically limit what kinds of firearms that people can lay their hands on. But this is America. Our right to bear arms cannot simply be scrubbed away by some strong-willed politician. Well, not without starting a war at least. And even our gun-hating president doesn’t want that (if you feel differently, please leave your comment below). So people, I ask that you take a deep breath, take a step back, and analyze the situation. Take a moment and ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I need to spend my paycheck on every last box of .22 ammo I can find?
  • Do I need to buy out the store of green-tip .223/5.56 and create even more chaos for the people that come in after me looking for some?
  • Do I need to postpone my child’s college education in order to buy an AR-15 before they are banned?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, I have this to say to you:

There are people working night and day that make sure unconstitutional firearm bans remain only a myth. Luckily for us gun enthusiasts, we have the strongest political group on our side, the NRA. These people are well-read, strong willed, and heavily funded. Primarily by you though annual membership fees. If you feel you need to do your part to keep ridiculous laws from passing, become a member. Try to refrain from getting on social media and shouting; “Hey dems’ government get my guns!”- paired with a picture of outdated self-defense statistics. Quite honestly, it isn’t helping either side. There is nothing that you could say to congress that the NRA hasn’t thought of already.

* Note: I live in Alabama so I’m allowed to make fun of people that talk like this ^.

What I am trying to say here is this: If a shooting tragedy occurs or if a ban is proposed and you feel like you need to grab some extra ammo for your firearm, that is perfectly acceptable, but I ask that you buy only what you need. The panic only sets in when items fly off the shelves.

Top Tip An event can occur at any moment that can limit your ability to purchase weapons or ammo. It is a good idea to remain stocked with everything you need BEFORE one of these events happen. Don’t find yourself getting pulled in to the frenzy. Buy the things you need when supply is plentiful, not when it is rare.

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