Monday, March 30, 2015

YOUR Hunting Rifle

Just food for thought...

Unlike other firearms, your hunting rifle has a special place in your heart. Yes, you love and take care of your pistols and shotguns, but your rifle gets special treatment. Most people reading this remember their first rifle and it still sits in your gun safe today. It's more than just an inanimate object made of wood, polymer and metal, it's a member of the family. It will be passed down through your family because you feel like they deserve to experience the happiness that comes with that first trigger pull. 

My first hunting rifle is an inexpensive, polymer bolt-action Remington in .308 Win. It's bolt was a little stiff at first, but now it cycles rounds like a dream. I took down my first deer with this rifle, and that right there created a feeling that almost can't be explained. It's kinda like your family vehicle that you grew up with. It wasn't the nicest car, but it is filled with wonderful memories and experiences that will never be forgotten.

You make a connection with your first rifle that is difficult to replicate in ones that you own later. I see people on Facebook gun selling groups that, in a time of misfortune, sold their hunting rifle that was their first or it had been in the family for a long time, and they are trying to find it again. This upsets me knowing that most of them won't succeed. 

You only have one first rifle. And if at any point during your ownership of that weapon you feel a sense of pride when firing it, I urge you to never get rid of that rifle. You may one day regret it.

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