Monday, June 27, 2016

Gun Reviews - What I Look For

As I've said before - I love guns of all kinds. I feel like I've gotten past the "I hate all *insert manufacturer here* because they all *insert derogatory statement here."

Some might be saying "Not so fast! You've already said that you hate all GLOCKs!"
Wrong! I said that I hate the marketing of Glock being the "perfect pistol." As a weapon I believe that its a fine gun. Very reliable and very durable - but I personally wouldn't have one and the reasons change from model to model.

When I review guns, there are several key things that I look for.
First thing item is ergonomics. If a gun isn't comfortable to shoot, there's no point in purchasing it. For example, I've shot several small pistols where the pinky extension pinches your finger with every shot. It kinda ruins the experience if you have to wince in pain with every shot.

Second most important feature for me is the trigger. Not necessarily the weight, but how smooth it is. I also want to be able to easily predict the trigger break. Items like trigger weight and reset are important, but minor compared to how smooth the trigger is and breaks. Have you ever pulled the trigger on a Ruger American Pistol? Once you do that, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. It's even more impressive when you find a double action revolver that can do the same thing.

Third: Off-the-shelf features and value. First impressions are everything, and like a car, more features are always a plus. What comes with the gun? Not necessarily how many magazines come with the it, but what kind of sights come on it. Does it come with a rail? How about interchangeable grip options (see ergonomics)?

Fourth: You can't purchase a gun if it's unreliable. If a gun malfunctions while I'm testing it, I will mention it. A gun needs to be 100% reliable, and if it can't make it through the 100 or more test rounds I put through a gun, there's no reason to think it will last for thousands of rounds and it will not get a recommendation from me.

While there are still some other features I might look at, these are four items that are taken into serious consideration. Rest easy, if I can't shoot a gun long enough to write a thorough review, I won't write one. Simple as that.

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