Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Banned Me on Facebook

I shouldn't be surprised that an organization that wants to get rid of second amendment rights also seems to want to ignore the first amendment as well. There is no free speech on the Coalition's Facebook page. I made one comment as a rebuttal to an incorrect fact that one of the group members had posted. There was no name calling. There was no foul language on either side. All of a sudden, not only can I not view my post on their page any more, I can't continue the intellectual conversation that I had started having. All of my commenting privileges have been removed.

This seems extremely typical of the anti-gun media. They see something they don't like - they repress it. They ask a question and receive a pro-gun answer that they don't expect - that answer is removed. All of a sudden, they will comment as if gun owners are left "speechless."

Sounds a little like Katie Couric doesn't it...

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