Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mind of a Proud Liberal (on guns)

This election season is driving me crazy. I've hardly been able to talk about new products because I'm too busy watching and waiting for some gun-bashing politician to get all fired up over something that they know little to nothing about. The mind of a liberal truly is quite an awe-inspiring thing.

Here are some of my observations about the anti-gunners:

  • They think that you can buy a gun at any gun store without background checks.
  • They believe that gun purchases at gun shows don't have mandatory background checks.
  • They think that any person can purchase a fully-automatic weapon.
  • They think that you can have a gun shipped to your house.
  • They think that guns "just go off."
  • They think that guns are more responsible for shootings than the person pulling the trigger.
  • They want to ban guns, but in case of an emergency, call for police to bring a gun.
  • They call people that allow an infant to accidentally fire a weapon, "another responsible gun owner."
  • They refuse to admit that gun violence is at a 20-year low (according to the FBI).
  • They refuse to admit that accidental child shootings are at an all-time low (according to the FBI).
    • They may not know because they're just spouting off what they hear from anti-gun media.
  • They refuse to think that there are such things as "responsible gun owners."
  • They think that magazines take minutes to swap and a mag restriction will save lives.
  • They think that removing guns from the hands of non-felons will keep felons from committing crimes.
  • They fail to see the words "right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" in the Constitution. 
  • They think the NRA gets all their money from gun companies but fail to recognize the NRA's 5+ million members. Not to mention the millions of supporters.
  • They call a murder/suicide a "mass shooting."
  • They think that so called "assault rifles" make up a majority of shootings in the U.S. (when in fact it makes up less than 1% of all gun crime)
  • They fail to see that gun free zones don't work.
.... And my personal favorite:
  • They call gun owners paranoid but then say things like "mass shootings are becoming commonplace." 
    • If they are so "commonplace," why don't you want to be prepared to defend yourself and family? 
As you saw in my last post, you can't just say any of these things to an anti-gunner. If you post a comment they don't like, you'll be silenced. If you try to talk to them, they will walk away. 

Why do they avoid the conversation?

Because they know they'll lose.

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